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Existence of God Essays

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In contemporary society, the issue of freedom holds a priority among most individuals. As a result, people have different opinions regarding the manifestation of freedom at the local and international level. Jean-Paul Sartre provides his thoughts on freedom in Existentialism is a Humanism. Also, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky presents his argument on freedom in his novel, The Brothers Karamazov. The arguments of Sartre and Dostoyevsky’s are compared based on the existence of a God, the nature of the approach in achieving...
2 Pages 1014 Words
There is one simple question that is presented among many people, educators, scholars, teachers, and many others—Is God real? Does God exist? Can the existence of God be proven? The answer to these questions are yes. There is a God who is real and loves each and every human being regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, or language; there is no difference to God. The existence of God can be proven through the Holy Bible, prophecies, and nature. The Bible...
3 Pages 1302 Words
It is not often that an author will incorporate both evidence supporting God as well as evidence against God in one novel. This brings a sense of uncertainty about God’s presence, an important unanswered question in the world. Cormac McCarthy’s novel The Road is one such novel that is plainly ambiguous about the existence of God. Critics have analysed important aspects of the storyline to show their answer to the question of God’s presence. Although there is substantial and sophisticated...
7 Pages 3171 Words
As I reflect upon my life, there is one personal truth that I have adopted in my mind; this truth is that I believe that God is nonexistent. My personal truth has dramatically changed from when I was a child to my formative adolescent years. As a child who strongly believed in the existence of God, I now identify as an atheist. The belief in God may provide hope and reassurance to some people, however, I find it to be...
1 Page 502 Words
The existence of God has been questioned, debated, argued, pondered, philosophized by the ancients, by the sages throughout history and even by the social media commentators of today; and yet a definitive answer continues to elude mankind. This paper will provide reasoning to suggest that God does exist by presenting findings from Anselm’s Proslogion where he surmised that because a person has the ability to conceive a perfect entity, namely God, then God must exist; and from Descartes’ Meditations where...
2 Pages 867 Words
With the presence of omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, the claim on evil is absurd. Even though it has been difficult to have satisfactory answers to this question, there is no way God will allow nature of evil to take its course. In the first portion of this essay, I will address the reasons given on the evil situation by the external world, and the second section, I will provide the philosophical arguments put forward in justification of the problem...
3 Pages 1352 Words
There has always been a debate about religion and science. These two are important in our lives because both explain the two worlds of every human being— the physical and spiritual world. While both of them are essential, there has been a clash because of their fundamental differences; opposing ideas and purpose. We are choosing Science. Science as an institution have on uniquely in contrast to specific researchers. Science sets up conditions where levelheaded arguments can prosper, where thoughts can...
2 Pages 827 Words
perfectExplain a problem with the idea that God is eternal and how his problem might be resolved. The problem is, if God is eternal, meaning he exists outside of time, God would know what happens in our future. God knows what happens in our future just as he knows what has happened in the past. The argument arising from God’s Omniscience (Human Free Will) claims that if God knows what we will do before we do it then we are...
3 Pages 1189 Words
Over the course of history, many proofs have been created by great philosophers. Three kinds of proofs can be made: direct, indirect, or inductive. A direct proof is the most convincing in that there is no flaw in the logic. Each step in the proof is justified. An indirect proof is one that can be questioned. This is when you assume the opposite of what you want to prove and come up with a contradiction to it. Therefore, what you...
4 Pages 1907 Words
The question of God’s existence is an issue that I have personally been on the fence about for the past year and have kind of deliberately avoided investigating. I wasn’t sure how to go about it or why it was even important. Because I was putting off doing this for so long, having an assignment that required me to finally take the step to search for truth seemed ironic. Throughout the semester, we have been discussing arguments of God’s existence...
2 Pages 1083 Words
For nearly as long as humans have walked the earth and been conscious of the unique attributes separating us from the animal kingdom, we have reckoned with the question of why we exist. There is no objective purpose for human existence, and this uncertainty creates an uncomfortable void in the agency we seek to apply to our lives. The pursuit of existential meaning is an inherently human trait prompted by the curiosity of our consciousness and has no definitive answer....
5 Pages 2213 Words
In Paul Tillich’s book, Systematic Theology, he talks about the belief that humans have a quest for the New Being and meaning for Christ. Our existence is considered finite in terms of freedom and as a “bondage of will”, as proposed by Martin Luther. It is said to be only applicable to man and not nature because we have freedom and are spontaneous. Even though we are free and filled with the fulfillment of joy, people cannot live out their...
5 Pages 2129 Words
Is proving God’s existence possible? There are many ways that God’s existence can be proven. One that is referred to the most is how the universe was created. Some say it was a big bang, but who created the big bang? God’s existence makes sense when considering the origin of the universe, the meaning of life without God, the fact that without god we live with no hope, and in terms of the historical facts concerning life. Why does God’s...
1 Page 572 Words
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