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Application Software Essays

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The world is developing very fast, each task is completed through modern technology. Software and application are taking over the human labor. Software is used in every aspect of modern life like transportation, education, entertainment, construction, navy, air force, satellites and many more daily things that we are using. But always software is not successful, at some stage software gets error and gives wrong information or change the whole product. No software is not 100% accurate. The failure of software...
1 Page 460 Words
Cryptography plays an essential role towards the construction of any secure system. If applied faultlessly, it can help us to maintain the confidentially of our data, authenticate data sources, and secure our data against any disallowed alternation. However, we often fall into the misuse of cryptography when it is inappropriately applied to our software. If not properly handled, cryptographic algorithm can easily fail to protect your system from attacks. Usually, the security issues regarding cryptography do not originate from the...
3 Pages 1328 Words
Smartphones have become one of the most central parts of our lives due to mobile apps development. Technology growth had made our lives busier so it is difficult for us to be organized while multitasking. The growth of mobile apps had made our day-to-day life easier and well organized. Starting from entertainment to business, everything became more compact, accessible and less time consuming with the help of apps. People can download any apps from Google Play Store. There are many...
2 Pages 827 Words
Mobile healthcare applications are an alternative support for individuals with health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and many others. With the ongoing advancements of remote wireless systems and with a gigantic assortment of cell phones, portable healthcare applications are trending in the market. With the expanded utilization of versatile applications, quality assurance rises rapidly. Applications must have an excellent user interface (UI) experience and should give quick responses. Software testers need to ensure that challenges like patient safety,...
4 Pages 1846 Words
In any software development life cycle the penetration testing phase plays an important role. Penetration testing is an approach which tests the security of a web application by making a conscious attempt to compromise the security of the application. It helps in preparing for any possible malicious attacks or avoid the potential breach of data at the hands of an attacker. Securing the framework does not guarantee application security as web applications are prone to vulnerabilities that cannot be fully...
2 Pages 739 Words
Having a ceaseless progression of new, intelligible content is the most ideal route for your site or blog to pick up web search tool introduction. The quality of written substance makes all the difference, as it’s been said; in any event as significant as fundamental site design improvement. Consequently, Spinbot can be an essential instrument for any individual who needs to showcase their site or item online as fast and effectively as could reasonably be expected. With exceptional quality printed...
1 Page 529 Words
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