
Generate Website Referencing for Free in APSA Citation Style

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Tips to Use the Citation Generator

Choose the citation style

Check the guidelines provided by your professor to select the correct citation style. If such instructions weren't given, check your university website.

Doublecheck the source

Different citation rules apply to websites, articles, books, or other sources. You can always edit citation or create one manually if the source isn't available.

Check the citation fields

We use online databases to fill in all the necessary fields automatically. We recommend you make sure the data fits the source. You can make edits right away.

Generate your citation

After checking the style, the source, and the fields, click on the final button and get your citation done! Don’t forget to create and download the reference list for your paper.

Website Citation Rules Using APSA Academic Style

Since most students usually work with MLA, Chicago, or APA formatting, dealing with APSA is not so common, which often brings up confusion as to how one must cite. It stands for the American Political Science Association, which means that the papers that go along with it relate to political tasks. The APSA style can be named as a version of the Chicago style with few specific differences. As a rule, political tasks include a plethora of newspapers and articles, which is why APSA website citation also becomes a crucial part in the writing of a successful assignment. 

In our particular case, it must be remembered that any journal article publication that you discover in an online database is not considered as a web resource. However, any government documents posted online, statistical information, or reports are still considered as web references. 

The basic template for Bibliography goes as follows: 

A Surname of the author or organization. Year. “Title of our source.” The URL (Most recent access date).

What we become in real-life citation looks this way: 

Seattle Public Utilities. 2020. “Water Quality Annual Reports.” (accessed September 29, 2020).

The in-text citing can go this way: 

(Organization Year / Last Name Year)

See real-life examples for in-text citing:

(Seattle Public Utilities 2020)
(Jameson 2020)
(Mills and Stipe 2012)
(Buck, Jones, and Campbell 2004)

Things You Must Include When Citing Web Sources APSA Style

  • Author’s Surname or Organization. 
  • Year of when your source has been published
  • Title of your reference. It must be placed in quotation marks. 
  • Exact URL that leads to your particular page. 
  • Access Date. 

If you do not know when your APSA citation website page has been updated, look at the bottom of the page to see whether you can find the last modification date. 

Dealing With Different Website Sources

Entire Website

When you have the site that you source as your Bibliography inclusion with no particular part, follow this template:

Surname (if you have an author) or website’s name. Year. “Title of our source.” The URL (Most recent access date).
Neighborhood Scout. 2020. “New York, NY Crime Rates.” (accessed September 29, 2020).

In-text reference: 

(Neighborhood Scout 2020)

Specific Web URL

When you must cite a specific part of the site, follow this example:

Surname (if you have an author) or website’s name. Year. “Title of our source.” Website. The URL (Most recent access date). 
Scouting Newsroom: About the BSA. 2015. “How Scouting is Funded.”
(accessed September 29, 2020).

Blog Post & Comments

Surname, First Name. Year When Our Source Has Been Published. ‘Title’. Original Blog’s Name. Full URL (Date Accessed).
Schilder, Frank. 2020. “GPT-3: The good, the bad and the ugly.” Towards Data Science. (accessed 29 September, 2020). 

In-text citing:

(Schilder 2020)

Social Media Reference

Surname First Name or Nickname. Social Media Type. Date Posted. Time. URL.
Musk Elon. Twitter post. September 25, 2020. 10:12 a.m.

In-text citing:

(Musk 2020)

Citing Different Website Authors in APSA

Site With Author

Surname Last Name. Year. “Title of our source.” Website (if available). The URL (Most recent access date).

References template: 

Dotson Dianne. 2018. “List of Forensics Techniques.” Sciencing. (accessed 29 September, 2020). 


(Dotson 2018)

No Author Specified

APSA in-text citation website no author:

(Website title year)

If your web publication has no author, start with the title as done below:

“Careers in Forensic Sciences.” 2020. Learn How to Become. (accessed September 29, 2020). 

Website of Organization

UNESCO. 2020. “World Heritage List.” (accessed 29 September, 2020).

An in-text reference for such a publication includes the name of the organization and the year: 

(UNESCO 2020)

Why Our APSA Citation Generator Helps

  • It saves your time and gets things done fast! 
  • It is completely free and does not require registration. 
  • You can simply enter your URL and the system will catch all the required information automatically. 
  • You can choose any type of source from books to websites and magazines. 
  • It helps you to get rid of grammar, style, or spelling mistakes.

Try our free APSA generator to see all the benefits!


How to cite a website in APSA if it leads to a PDF file?

You can add the PDF type with a short description after the title and add the direct URL as we have done here:

Cheshirect. 2008. “Personal Safety Tips.” PDF Safety Guide. (accessed 29 September, 2020).

Can your APSA generator work by entering the book ISBN?

Sure, it can work this way for your book type. Just choose your source for your university paper and get things done fast and at zero cost. 

What is the URL format for website reference in APSA?

All web resources must be included in full with Https or Http. 

Choose Citation Style To Generate Bibliography