
ASM Citation Generator Online

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Auto input: we create a citation for you in one click. Fill in the required information about your source. It might be a title, DOI, ISBN, URL - just pay attention to our tips in the input field.

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Tips to Use the Citation Generator

Choose the citation style

Check the guidelines provided by your professor to select the correct citation style. If such instructions weren't given, check your university website.

Doublecheck the source

Different citation rules apply to websites, articles, books, or other sources. You can always edit citation or create one manually if the source isn't available.

Check the citation fields

We use online databases to fill in all the necessary fields automatically. We recommend you make sure the data fits the source. You can make edits right away.

Generate your citation

After checking the style, the source, and the fields, click on the final button and get your citation done! Don’t forget to create and download the reference list for your paper.

What is the ASM citation style?

ASM citation style stands for the American Society of Microbiology and represents a de-facto standard for learners studying Microbiology, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Biology, and Healthcare disciplines. Most academic ASM journals and scientific publications in Microbiology are also done based on the ASM style. Thus, it is essential to learn how to use ASM style citations correctly. The style is also used in both primary and clinical settings. Knowing its rules will help you reach a global audience and access high-quality peer reviews and educational publications.

Without a doubt, dealing with many different references and sources can be quite time-consuming and challenging. It is a reason why our team of experts came up with a reliable ASM citation generator that can be accessed online. It’s one of the safest methods to save valuable time and achieve high accuracy for your citations in Microbiology. The citation tool is intuitive, banner-free, and keeps things sorted based on the latest standards. When you wish to avoid accidental mistakes and guarantee that your writing is flawless, use the best way to succeed!

General ASM citation style rules

Speaking of the ASM guidelines offered by the ASM manual, we can see the following:

  • The references in the References list (page) must be numbered in precise order as you cite things in your assignment. It means that ASM requires a citation-sequence reference system.
  • As for the in-text citations, the references must be cited parenthetically based on the number in your sequence. The first mention of the quote for ASM citation style goes with the number in parentheses (1).
  • The bits of unpublished information or non-peer-reviewed references are cited parenthetically right in your paper’s text. The references cited in the text include unpublished data and submitted unpublished manuscripts, e.g., personal communications and interviews, and websites.

The ASM citation format references to be included in References represent the following types:

  • Journal Articles (both print and online publications);
  • Books (in print and digital publications);
  • Book chapters (as long as you have a publication title);
  • Patents and patent applications;
  • Theses and dissertations;
  • Conferences that have been published;
  • Meetings, posters, abstracts, and various presentations;
  • Letters to the editor;
  • Publications by organizations and private companies;
  • Press journal articles;
  • Specific data sets and lab reports.

The names of all authors must be provided for each reference you have. Use the classic “et al.” addition if there are too many authors. Remember that ASM style does not require hanging indents as you format your references list!

Various AMS citation examples

Here are some American Microbiology Society citation examples for the Journal of Microbiology:

Author’s Last Name, Initial(s). Year Published. Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation Volume number (issue number):page numbers.
Collins, R, Hannes, ST, Jones, K., Larsson F. 2019. Regulation of hormonal disbalance in mammals in the Pacific Ocean based on in vivo analysis of proteins and environmental factors. J. Bacteriol. 334:2224-2229.

An ASM-style book would follow this template:

Author’s Last Name, Initial(s). Year of publication. Title of book, edition (if relevant). Publisher, Location of publication.
Gillan, S. 1992. Molecular Biology and Psychoacoustics Analysis Manual, 3rd ed. Florida Marine University Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Citing a thesis or a dissertation goes this way:

Author’s Last Name, Initial(s). Year of publication. Title of thesis or dissertation (optional if not available). Ph.D. thesis/dissertation. University’s Name, Location.
Rilley, BR. 2006. Reflection on Microbiology practices in California. Ph.D. thesis. University of Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.

Benefits of using our ASM citation generator

Using the ASM style citation generator has numerous benefits for students. Here are the most important ones:

  • An accurate citation helps to ensure that there are no spelling mistakes, repetitions, or typos typical for manual reference processing.
  • Precious minutes and hours are saved with our convenient ASM citation generator to be used as often as you wish.
  • Using an ASM reference generator helps to avoid plagiarism and guarantees you meet all the spaces, formatting, and other ASM citation style aspects.

How to use the ASM citation generator?

  1. Choose the ASM citation style to start with generating a bibliography for your sources (e.g., MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago, ASA, CSE format, etc.).
  2. Choose the content type to cite. You can choose a book, a journal, a thesis dissertation, or a newspaper. It’s also possible to select web or online publications, yet remember that websites do not fall under this category and should not be placed in the references list.
  3. Choose between manual and automatic citation modes. When you cite manually, our ASM citation maker will ask you to complete a form. It’s logical and intuitive, so you won’t have trouble getting things done!
  4. Alternatively, you can enter ISBN, DOI, a book’s, or a journal’s title and click the “Search” button to let our tool scan the web databases and locate the complete citation reference.

That’s how you start with our ASM citation machine! As you can see, using the citation builder at EduBirdie is an excellent way to get things done in no time.

You can copy the results or download them in Word format. It’s always possible to edit your references list later manually.

Keeping your ASM writing unique matters!

We sincerely hope you have found our ASM citation guide helpful. You discovered the basics to help you stay safe through your writing and citation challenges. Remember, by using our ASM citation generator, you will always keep things accurate, save valuable time, and avoid formatting issues. The best part is that you can quickly scan databases by entering various keywords or titles as you look for reliable sources!

If you are still hesitant, take your chance and feel free to start with our ASM citation generator today!