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Definition Essay Examples

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A definition essay aims to provide a clear and concise explanation of a specific term or concept. It goes beyond the simple dictionary definition by delving into the various dimensions and interpretations of the chosen subject. Through thoughtful analysis and detailed examples, a definition essay seeks to offer a deeper ...

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Art Definition Essay

To what extent are artists driven by monetary gain when they produce their art? This essay will explore the motivations of artists when they produce their work. It will try to answer questions such as: do artists merely produce work for financial reasons? Do artists know the value of their artworks before doing them and how does this influence them? Is the cost of some modern artworks justified or are artists over-inflating their prices? However, before tackling these questions it...
2 Pages 725 Words

Professional Ethics: Definition Paper

Introduction to the basics of professional ethics It is important that employees understand the characteristics and good professional ethics. Employees should also consider how employees pass through ethical and professional experience in the workplace, because the workplace is very important, no matter what experience you have, professions play an important role in the workplace. A bad employee is useless, it will mark the behavior and behavior of the employee and how we encourage him to do so.  Morality is a...
1 Page 659 Words

Plagiarism: Definition Essay

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines plagiarism as “the practice of taking someone else’s ideas or work and pretending that it is your own” (Cambridge Online Dictionary, 2022). The word derives from the Latin ‘plagiarius’ meaning ‘kidnapping’. To further clarify plagiarism, Diane Pecorari (2015) attests that there are three main forms: ‘textual’, which describes the use of words/ideas without correct attribution, ‘prototypical’, describing unattributed words/ideas of another without appropriate attribution and with the intention to deceive, and ‘patchworking’, which is defined...
1 Page 469 Words

Definition Essay for 'The Glass Castle'

In Jeannette Walls’s memoir the glass castle she is able to convey a theme of lost dreams through the constant letdown caused by their father, Rex, and mother, Rosemary. Rex Walls always dreamed of the day when they would have enough money to build a glass castle. The Glass Castle is symbolic of a dream that everyone knows will never come true but to which they cling anyway. It is only when Rex realizes he’s lost his children and that...
1 Page 498 Words

Social Justice: Extended Definition Essay

Social justice in the contemporary world is related to determining logical criteria for the allocation of goods, services, opportunity, benefits, power, and honors as well as obligations in society, particularly in a scarcity situation. It is evident that political philosophers and scholars from Plato to contemporary philosophers have been engaged in a great debate about distributive justice or social justice. The term „social justice? is usually applied to comprehend all three aspects of justice in society – social, economic, and...
4 Pages 1882 Words

Definition Essay on Intersectionality

Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberly Williams Crenshaw, it refers to the way in which different forms of discrimination and oppression intersect and coincide with each other, how more than one form of discrimination can be experienced by a single person, for example, a black woman may experience sexism and racism and these forms of discrimination are not separate experiences, but instead they are simultaneous occurrences, they coexist and correspond with each other creating a distinct form of inequality....
4 Pages 1952 Words

Domestic Terrorism: Definition Essay

Domestic terrorism and international terrorism are the two main types of terrorism we deal with in the United States. Domestic terrorism is defined by the FBI as, “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature” (FBI, 2016). The FBI defines international terrorism as, “violent, criminal acts committed by individuals andor groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign...
4 Pages 2016 Words

Child Abuse: Definition Essay

Child abuse is not a new phenomenon in the history of man. Child abuse is not a new thing in the world. Child abuse has become an alarming issue in Nigeria. Recent reports have proven that child abuse varies from one region to another. Child abuse can be found in almost every work activity and organization worldwide. In the context of work activities street hawking, child trafficking, street begging, agriculture and mines among others can be covered. Owolabi (2012) and...
4 Pages 1671 Words

Affirmative Action: Definition Paper

Affirmative action laws began when in the early 1960s judicial rulings believed it to be a duty of local school boards to desegregate areas that were formerly in dual school systems under the Jim Crow laws and to eliminate the remnants of institutional racism in schools. The next step in the process came a few years later when the legislative and executive branches of the US government decided to implement laws and regulations that authorized pro-diversity hiring and admissions processes...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Affirmative Action Definition Essay

Anti-discrimination law is a highly debated topic in today’s society. With non-governmental organizations lobbying for equality and the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by most nations, there has been a concerted effort to eliminate all forms of discrimination. However, this eradication of discrimination does not come without a cost. In recent years, the polarising concept of ‘affirmative action’ has garnered much attention. This essay will analyze a common argument made against affirmative action – that affirmative action...
1 Page 624 Words

Definition Essay on Happiness

Happiness is determined by who we are as a person and our perspective on life. In this essay, I am going to argue my point of view with reference to the famous novel ‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury and the author’s main ideas expressed in it. “I don’t know what it is. I’m so damned unhappy. I’m so mad and I don’t know why” (Bradbury, 61). When Bradbury says ‘I don’t know what it is’, he seems to be saying...
1 Page 445 Words

Definition Essay on Determination and Its Importance in Teaching

Peter Sinclaire once wrote: “Determination, patience and courage are the only things needed to improve any situation”. Determination is something people are driven by without realizing it. It is to strive to do something to make a positive difference in someone’s life. In the book ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Teachers: 101 Stories about How You Make a Difference’, Amy Newmark and Alex Kajitini present the idea that anyone, with determination, can make a difference in the lives...
1 Page 514 Words

Professional Ethics: Definition Essay

Being a part of the field of education, I am tasked with making decisions based on my ethical beliefs daily. I have always thought about my ethical framework and how it is comprised. Until I received this assignment, I had never considered taking the time to compose my thoughts in writing as a way of defining the diverse components that culminate to build my ethical character, whether personally or professionally. Often, life runs together, causing us to mix personal and...
1 Page 577 Words

Definition Essay on Dedication

Introduction Dedication is a term often associated with commitment, perseverance, and wholehearted devotion to a particular goal or cause. It is a quality that sets individuals apart in their pursuit of excellence and serves as a driving force behind their accomplishments. This definition essay explores the concept of dedication, examining its key characteristics, its significance in personal and professional spheres, and the transformative power it holds in shaping individuals and their achievements. Definition and Characteristics of Dedication Dedication can be...
1 Page 503 Words

Tree Plantation: Definition Essay

Tree plantation, the transplanting of trees in a schematic way, is considered one of the most elegant and eco-friendly activities that every single man can take part in. It is momentous for the environment in a very serious way. The environment is being polluted each second and the world is already under the threat of the Green House effect. In a situation like this, tree plantation is the most positive and best way to control the Green House effect. By...
1 Page 479 Words

The Word 'Renaissance' Means: Definition Essay

The Renaissance era was an era of revival and rebirth of classical culture. It originated in Florence in the early 15th century and spread throughout Europe, replacing the medieval Gothic style. Renewal and innovation were one of the main driving aspects and factors of this era. Appreciation was given to different arts from literature to art and architecture. Knowledge was one of the main attributes of people in the Renaissance. “There was a revival of ancient Roman forms, including the...
1 Page 420 Words

Personal Success: Definition Essay

Success, success is something we all want for ourselves, we as humans are valued by our amount of success, three things I believe will help me become successful are time management, confidence, and lastly sacrifice. Time management is huge, it determines how and when you will get things done. Secondly is confidence, confidence is being able to believe in yourself and we all know you won’t get anything done without trusting yourself. Lastly is sacrifice, which in my opinion is...
1 Page 548 Words

Madisonian Democracy: Definition Essay

What did Madison see as the primary threat to democracy? How did Madison propose to keep this threat in check? Madison’s argument in Federalist #10 is that we need a republic over a direct democracy due to a group of people having varying interests and desires (factions) that would then be controlled by the majority. Madison stated that in order to correct the issues related to factions we would either need to get rid of the “causes of faction,” which...
1 Page 268 Words

What Is Life: Definition Essay

What differentiates a strand test or a mechanized system from something that is living biologically? How about when considered from the Aristotelian point of view what differentiates something living from dead, can the definition of life be defined then? Is there a correct way to define what is living versus what is not? What would be the best agreed-upon answer? When one begins to analyze the true definition of life, one must consider both the biological and philosophical aspects through...
4 Pages 1837 Words

Trust Definition Essay

Trust encompasses many elements and generates many definitions relating to the behaviors and intentions of others. In a healthcare environment, Llewellyn, S., Brookes, S. and Mahon, A. 2018 observed how the context of circumstances reflects in individuals differing perspectives of trust. This definition is more fitting to a healthcare setting where the individual will have different vulnerabilities and dependencies. The ‘trustor has to believe that trustee will care for the trustee’s interests’ Hall et al (2001) pg615) and trustees’ interests...
1 Page 475 Words

Colonial Imposition Meaning: Definition Essay

There are very few practices that have had the widespread effects we see today on global development than the scourge of colonialism. Since its advent in the 15th Century, the imposition of colonialism has, “altered history forever” (Settles 1996, p. 2). The effects of colonialism have been both far-reaching and insidiously devastating: notably a loss of culture, language, and land; widespread economic and social inequality; and the outright genocide of native peoples. However, it would be incorrect to frame these...
6 Pages 2658 Words

Cat in the Hat Meaning: Definition Essay

Although The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss is recognized as a children’s book, a more in-depth analysis of the story reveals it also relates to certain ideas of psychology. One of the ideas from psychology expressed through the story comes from Sigmund Freud. Freud was a psychologist who believed a person’s personality had three parts: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. The Id is part of the personality that is impulsive and primitive, the Superego is part...
2 Pages 697 Words

The Prince' and Renaissance: Definition Essay

The Renaissance value of humanism greatly influences The Prince because Machiavelli, a humanist himself, targets human nature in portraying the ideal monarchy. Humanists of the Renaissance were devout proponents of human potential; throughout The Prince, Machiavelli articulately examines the dynamics of humanity. He understands that while a good ruler should possess some admirable qualities, it is impossible for any authentic being to be entirely good. Therefore, Machiavelli introduces the concept that characteristics like cruelty and dishonesty are necessary to effectively...
1 Page 655 Words

What Is Professional Nursing: Essay

Professional practice What is professional practice? Professional practice assures that the standard of treatment of the nurses and midwives is upheld; their work is continually displayed and reviewed, concentrating on nursing and midwifery history, legislation, governance, administration, and administrative and legislative practices (Youtube, 2019). Professional practice is in embracing the maximum scope of the profession for patients and nurses. Describe professional nursing practice. Nursing is a discipline with its own code of ethics, its own ethical points of view, and...
2 Pages 908 Words

What Is Nursing: Essay

When I think of nursing as a career, I cannot help but think that the laws, practices, and procedures all started with someone’s theories and thoughts. Obviously, people such as Florence Nightingale come to mind, however, there is one more person in particular that really stood out to me, Isabel Hampton Robb, an American nurse theorist, advocate for higher nursing education, and the founder of several nursing associations. Through her standards of teachings and writings, she paved the path for...
2 Pages 728 Words

What Is Mind: Essay

Thesis What differentiates humans from other species? How do we make decisions, think of ideas and come to conclusions? What exactly is a mind? The mind refers to the thinking-feeling function resulting from our brain. The brain is the organ, the mind its function, or as John Searle says, “the mind is to the brain as the program is to the hardware” (Minds, Brains, and Programs). Our mind allows us to be conscious, create scenarios and interpret experiences. It allows...
4 Pages 1609 Words

What Is Literature: Essay

To begin with, my insight paper let me first define the word Literature; According to JOSHUA J. MARK, Literature comes (from the Latin word Littera meaning letters and referring to an acquaintance with the written word) such as poetry and prose in Western Europe prior to the eighteenth century, literature was a term indicated to describe books. Technically speaking literature is composed of words from many languages that give information about what had happened before. Literature at some point has...
1 Page 591 Words

What Is Leadership: Essay

What is leadership? According to Susan Ward leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company’s needs. For any business, it allows for clear vision, and effective communication and gives a level of coordination within the business making sure everything is aligned and reconciled with all the personal interests and organizational goals. Leadership helps...
3 Pages 1188 Words

What Is Happiness: Essay

Happiness is a state of mind and any person can achieve happiness if they are able to appreciate the situations of their life. Happiness can be achieved with the simplest activities such as when a child shares her favorite biscuits with her friends, or when a son listens to his mother. Two famous persons namely, Richard Branson and Jordan Peterson have interesting and differing views on the search for true happiness. Therefore, I would be sharing their views as well...
3 Pages 1210 Words

What Is Culture: Essay

Introduction Our reality today is overly multicultural and diverse. Every day we interact with people from various cultural backgrounds. People we interact with have distinct mindsets and carry unique values, norms, and beliefs in their backpacks. Effective communication among representatives of different cultures is way too complicated if people are not culture-aware and do not display cultural understanding. Speaking the language is never enough as we should be aware of subtle aspects of the culture in order to to avoid...
6 Pages 2896 Words
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