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Reflective Essay Examples

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Reflective essays provide an opportunity for individuals to delve into their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions, allowing for introspection and growth. These essays encourage self-reflection and the exploration of one’s own beliefs, values, and actions. They offer a platform to analyze and evaluate past experiences, identify lessons learned, and consider ...

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Social Issues

Reflective Essay on Adverse Childhood Experience

In this report, I will be speaking about adverse childhood experiences also known as ACEs. ACEs are traumatic events that have happened in a person’s childhood, this can include violence, abuse, or growing up with parents or guardians with poor mental health or drug and alcohol problems (‘Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences’, 2021). The experiences we have when we are children will have a huge impact on the way we develop and grow. It will affect our physical and mental health,...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Assessing My Writing Skills: Reflective Essay

Reflecting on our writing is an important and necessary process that helps a writer become more effective in applying their skills. In this essay, I am going to base my reflection on the two main assessment tasks that Year 10 has completed this year. The first is an essay written on the study of an Australian poet, Omar Sakr, and the second is a representation task based on Baz Luhrmann’s film ‘Romeo + Juliet’. By reflecting on the process of...
1 Page 525 Words

Reflective Essay on Time Management in College

Time is a scarce resource, but at the same time, it’s an abundant resource. Balancing a job, social life, and school is not easy. Throughout my life, life from kindergarten to high school, there were scheduled school days that were structured at the same right hour of the day, and they remain the same all through the school year. For 12 years of my academic career life, my day was already structured and pre-fixed. Then suddenly, Bam! I’m thrust into...
2 Pages 894 Words

What an Educated Person According to Alan Simpson: Reflective Essay

What is an educated person? An attempt to answer this question was made by Alan Simpson in his essay ‘The Marks of an Educated Man’. According to him, there are different marks of an educated man. It varies from person to person and from generation to generation. The term ‘educated’ can have a different meaning depending on the person being asked. Some might define it as someone who is good at speaking, some might think that a person who reads...
1 Page 466 Words

Relationship and Its Understanding: Reflective Essay

Having a connection is a very important thing to have in our life. Relationship happens through many ways in which we can attach to each other. The relationship is not just your partner, but also your family and groups. At the time as it immediately enters people’s minds, they notice that the relationship is just only to their partner and only sweetheart, but they do not notice that mostly having a communication with each person is also called a relationship....
1 Page 529 Words

Key Events That Shaped My Life: Reflective Essay

When I first entered university, I was well aware of how I was the minority in school. Here I was at age 27 in my first year of university among my peers in the 19-21 age range. Add to the fact that I was a private A-level candidate in a sea of students coming from their respective post-secondary institutions and, as unsettling as it is, my own race being Malay, I was in many ways a minority in various aspects....
3 Pages 1468 Words

Reflective Essay on My Leadership Experience

This essential reflection is concentrated on my very own expertise of leadership whereby I recommend areas for my very own development. I’m additionally exploiting hereby leadership theory and ideas in analyzing and evaluating the leadership case that I’m presenting. Leadership could be a method or series of actions directed toward cluster goals; it’s a systematically incontestable pattern of behavior with sure objectives. It helps to direct and motivate managers, employers, and employees on how to perform the task in what...
3 Pages 1517 Words

Reflective Essay about the Importance of History

My history teacher in eighth grade once told me that the reason we learn history is to learn from the past so that society does not walk down the same paths of tragedy in hopes of constructing a better future. History allows us to understand the present by giving insight into events in the past when it comes to culture, society, and politics in the U.S. The present is exceptionally different because of the lessons learned from the United States’...
1 Page 663 Words

My Website Evaluation: Reflective Essay

I have finished my website and all the planning and testing for it. In this paper, I am going to evaluate my website to see if I have met all the client requirements for the website. Firstly, I had to develop a multi-page website that will contain a minimum of five pages and provide digital games for my chosen target audience. I can quite confidently say that I have met all the requirements as I have included 5 pages on...
2 Pages 776 Words

Reflective Essay about the Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is very important, especially nowadays. The meaning of a healthy lifestyle is that you have good daily exercise, in whatever form, good sleep/rest, proper nutrition, healthy eating habits, and so on. There is a ton of new information I have learned in the health course, but a few have stood out to me that I believe are important to take up in this essay. During this course, I have learned that healthy active living leads to a...
1 Page 493 Words

Reflective Essay about Forgiveness and Its Importance

In the essay ‘Forgiveness Story: The Weak Get Even, and the Great Get Over It’ by June Callwood, the author writes about forgiveness and how lives are affected by it. There are victims of injustice in every corner of the world, many people suffer from the wrongdoings they have faced. All religions practice the means of forgiveness as one of their main principles. Simon Wiesenthal, the popular Nazi hunter, was asked to forgive a man who had killed many Jews....
2 Pages 1013 Words

Reflective Essay on Reading 'The Laramie Project'

You may ask yourself ‘Why are people the way they are?’ after reading this drama. I know I certainly did after finishing both the book and the movie. It was quite heartbreaking to read about the beating of a human being just because some people didn’t agree with his sexual preferences. I personally find that to be completely disgusting and uncalled for. I never knew about the town of Laramie until after reading this story. It was an eye-opener for...
1 Page 626 Words

Reflective Essay on the Completed English 102 Class

English 102 is critical thinking, writing, and research paper. I have learned basic essay structure, strategies for effective research, and other skills that develop the skills necessary for forming and analyzing arguments. English 102 is more challenges I faced, including critical thinking skills, research skills, and cited sources. During this semester, I learned types of writing techniques, different MLA forms, and how to find and use the right sources together. I have gained more knowledge, and better confidence, showing how...
2 Pages 707 Words

What I Learned in English 101 Class: Reflective Essay

English 101 seems to be the most challenging class I ever took. It requires critical thinking, research, literary, and rhetorical analysis. As a non-English native speaker, I have never thought that I would be able to make such improvements in my writing skills. After taking this class, I have gained the aptitude to articulate what I want to tell the reader in different ways. I am no more focusing only on grammar mistakes, instead, I look at how to make...
2 Pages 917 Words

Reflective Essay on Whether Science Makes Progress

In this essay, I will argue that science does make progress on three conceptions: social, methodological, and cognitive (specifically, epistemic). I define the concept of progress and distinguish between possible end goals, before arguing that a knowledge conception of progress better characterizes scientific progress than a truth conception. I will discuss science as a discipline, including both physics and the special sciences. I distinguish science from other disciplines such as philosophy, art, and literature. Similarly, scientific progress is widely thought...
3 Pages 1490 Words

Reflective Essay about the Process of Writing of My Imaginative Piece

My imaginative piece, ‘The Girl on the Train’, is an analysis of the Gothic features and themes and the impact they have on the readers. The ambition of my piece of writing was to intrigue my readers through the use of a mysterious unknown environment. My goal was not only to engage my readers but also to entertain them through the use of descriptive language and visual imagery. A horror genre was created throughout the text. Throughout the process of...
2 Pages 683 Words

Quality Practice Makes Perfect: Reflective Essay

Throughout time, there has been a saying that ‘practice makes perfect’. I firmly believe in this saying, but with one caveat: I believe that quality practice makes perfect. I believe in ‘quality over quantity’, which raises the question: ‘What exactly is a quality practice?’. This question will be discussed and answered in this essay. Quality practice comes in many forms depending on the musician’s learning style, and to achieve this, there must be more stress on efficient and effective methods...
3 Pages 1510 Words

The Habits of My Mind: Reflective Essay

From a young age, children are constantly praised for every single achievement they conquer. Despite the good intentions of the complement, it is in fact detrimental to a child’s mindset. As the child grows older, they are more likely to become more self-conscious about their academic achievements and self-worth. Unfortunately, I developed what is known as a fixed mindset, a way of thinking in which an individual obtains the belief that everyone is born with a certain amount of intelligence....
2 Pages 976 Words

What Skills Define an Entrepreneur: Reflective Essay

In this assignment, I will be analyzing and expanding on the skills and tendencies of what it is to be an entrepreneur and how my entrepreneurial skills have developed throughout the course of this module. Entrepreneurship is not an inborn skill; it is a product of the environment. Withstanding that, I will be highlighting the fact that I have never attempted or successfully used any entrepreneurial assets before taking this module. I want to use this assignment as a descriptive...
3 Pages 1192 Words

What Self-Help Really Means: Reflective Essay

In modern-day use, self-help actually describes a procedure regarding people’s personal development or self-development. Primarily there’s such a wealth of literature available, in addition to seminars and groups, that there’s almost too much info available. This implies that for individuals to really make good decisions about what constitutes self-help to them may be unbelievably hard. Frequently it’s a practice of just plowing through substance and utilizing a gut instinct to ascertain if it’s going to be of advantage for you...
1 Page 413 Words

Reflective Essay on Cristina Henríquez's 'The Book of Unknown Americans'

When people of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds are living together, they tend to see themselves as a representation of a larger society. ‘The Book of Unknown Americans’ tells a story about people coming from different countries to the United States. Every character moved to the United States for a different reason: some moved because of better education and healthcare system, and some for a safe environment and lots of different opportunities. Throughout the book, each character experiences their own...
3 Pages 1179 Words

The Glass Castle': Reflection Paper

Book: The Glass Castle Author: Jeannette Walls Date: 9/4/19 I am on page 288 of 288 I give this book 5 out of 5 stars This reading is captivating and heartfelt The question I chose is: “If this book has already been made into a movie and you have watched the movie, how are the movie and book similar? Different?” While watching the movie, I noticed many differences and similarities compared to the book. One of the first differences I...
1 Page 652 Words

Reflection Paper on Sexual Harassment

Workplace wellness is a concept or trend that is relatively new and concentrates on overall employee health and wellness. It includes the blending of health and safety programs to enhance overall worker well-being (physical, mental, emotional, social, and economic health) and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses. In recent times, many companies have had an increased focus on wellness as they have realized that a healthy ecosystem in the workplace leads to productivity, securing and keeping talent at the top level,...
3 Pages 1223 Words

Pearl Harbor as a Turning Point of WW 2: Reflective Essay

According to, it states that “The attack of Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, “is a date which will live infamy” (President Roosevelt) was an attack by Japan.” It was very early Sunday morning at 8 am families were getting ready, kids were eating breakfast, etc. Although many people thought it was a normal day. The Japanese were dropping the atomic bombs in a very sneaky way. When Japan tried bombing Pearl Harbor no military was sent to defend Pearl...
1 Page 410 Words

Reflection Paper for the Urgency of Intersectionality

The Sociological Imagination: The Sociological Imagination is an awareness of the relationship between an individual and society. It is the ability to view one’s own society through the eyes of an ‘outsider,’ thus enabling one to broaden their view without, to a certain extent, allowing limited experiences and cultural biases to cloud their judgment. In ‘The Sociological Imagination,’ C. Wright Mills discusses how the two core aspects of the Sociological Imagination, namely the individual and society, cannot be understood separately,...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Plot of 'The Yellow Wallpaper': Reflective Essay

Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ is a pillar of women’s activist scholarly investigation. First distributed in 1892, the story appears as a mystery diary passage composed by a lady who should recuperate from what her significant other, a doctor, calls an apprehensive condition. This frequenting mental loathsomeness story narratives the storyteller’s plunge into franticness, or maybe into the paranormal. The protagonist’s husband, John, doesn’t pay attention to her sickness. Nor does he pay attention to her. He endorses, in...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Reflective Essay about Plato Beliefs Allegory of The Cave'

Plato was a philosopher born in Athens, Greece in 427 BCE and later died in 347 BCE. He was the founder of the first university, the Academy, where his students would read Socratic dialogues that he wrote. (Palmer, 2001). He was a student of Socrates and became the teacher of Aristotle. He is best known for his idealism in philosophy and the creation of theories such as the theory of forms. The Theory of the forms was his most notable...
3 Pages 1515 Words

Reflective Essay on Bullying

Mary Douglas is a girl I met a few weeks ago and is a victim of verbal and physical bullying. She gets bullied due to an eating disorder she has, that causes her to look overweight. In addition to this, she is from an African American background, which only made her more of a target. Kids started making fun of her and calling her names. It made her devalue herself and it made her doubt her opinions. Physical and verbal...
2 Pages 687 Words

True Meaning of Education from My Perspective: Reflective Essay

Growing up with strict parents who were like a broken tape recorder was something I would always remember up to this day. They never get tired of saying that education is the key to success and that if we fail to finish our schooling, we will starve and become homeless. Different people have different perspectives on how they see or treat education. But, from my point of view, the true meaning of education lies in something else. There are a...
3 Pages 1143 Words

Important Insights I Learned from My Humanities Course: Reflective Essay

Art is extremely necessary for our lives. It constitutes one in all the oldest forms and, most significantly, it shows a mean of expression developed by man. It’s a language, that is charged with feelings and significance that has sprung up among men inhabitation. For this, I’m glad to experience the wonder of art. Learning about the humanities is meant to create us students with a better piece of knowledge and to understand that the mere possession of information and...
2 Pages 897 Words
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