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Career Essays

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A good career significantly shapes one’s life, providing a sense of purpose, financial stability, and personal fulfillment. Choosing the right career path can be daunting, but with careful consideration and planning, individuals can find a profession that aligns with their skills, interests, and values. This essay will explore the importance of a good career, discuss the process of choosing a career, highlight key factors contributing to a successful career, and provide strategies for achieving career goals. Importance of a Good...
3 Pages 975 Words
We all like comfort. A glass of red with a blanket in front of the fire on a cold, dreary day. The warm embrace of a loved one, sleeping in late. To advance your career, however, you have to step out of your comfort zone. I entered the financial industry at the age of 19, which was already uncomfortable. When I started in October 1987, the stock market ‘crashed’ and lost 500 points in one day — something headlines today...
2 Pages 987 Words
In our life, as said by Michelle L. Casto, it is not our job that changed, but it is our career. Of course, there are lots and lots of job applications to followed and to be apply, but do we really have the in interest and put our all in what we apply to? That is why a career is far different that a typical job itself. Career is when we put our interest, efforts and our capabilities onto. Let’s...
4 Pages 1760 Words
Career has two meanings. Career is mostly used to refer to a chosen profession or employment, or an occupation. Career options encompass a wide variety of occupations from those needing rigorous preparation and schooling to those you can perform with just a high school diploma, ability to learn and work ethic. A profession may mean working as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, electrician, cashier, hairstylist, cashier, teacher. In addition, career still has a dictionary term, too. It takes into consideration the...
2 Pages 717 Words
The first section of the report will look to analyze career development with respect to a particular theory. While the second and third sections are personalized interpretations and analysis of my long-term career prospects and a thorough analysis of the career options worksheet respectively. Analyzing a Leader The hospitality leader, whose career that is going to be analyzed for this report is Amanda Wills. Amanda Wills is the former director at Virgin Vacations and she has been credited to a...
2 Pages 1065 Words
This essay aims to illustrate my career development journey within a theoretical framework which I will reflect on, using two career theories discussed in the duration of career psychology module. This theoretical re-telling will incorporate ways in with my career choices were made and how they developed and continue evolve through different stages of my life, the role played by my family, environmental conditions I was exposed to and the influence of others around me. Throughout this essay I will...
3 Pages 1546 Words
Since I started a post-graduate study, school assignment or exam become not the only part of my life, I couldn’t help but notice I will step into the real world very soon. I have to consider my career choice and wonder what quality and ability I need to possess to have a wonderful career, especially when we want to be executives. Above all, we should be responsible for ourselves, and realize we are the determinant of our fate. If we...
2 Pages 929 Words
Some people have jobs in their life, and some people have carriers in their life. These are the two different things. A job is what, a person does in exchange for money, or we can say that paid position of regular employment. For example, baby siting, pizza delivery, etc. On the other hand, an individual’s path of learning, work and other aspects of life that usually takes up a long period of person’s simple words progress of person’s professional...
1 Page 575 Words
First of all, I want to give you the definition of job and career. A job is defined as anything a person is obliged or projected to do. There is a specific task need to be done as part of the routine of one person for the salary income agreed. Through a job an employee can earn and attain to support his basic needs and welfare his family. At work, the employment contract between the employer and the employee must...
2 Pages 866 Words
Over the past decade I have lived in four different cities and two different countries. I have had seven different jobs with one company, each assignment lasting approximately one and a half years. Most recently, I experienced a break in my career and a new dimension in life, as I began the MSc program. This paper will reflect on the place the MSc has in my life-career development. It will outline how the MSc acts as a new dimension through...
2 Pages 992 Words
According to the article Career One Stop ‘Registered Nurses’, “assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nurse care plans, and maintain medical records” (2017). This description of service provided by nurses is the jest of what this profession encompasses. I plan to enter the field of nursing, more specifically, an emergency department registered nurse as my career choice. The care and service an emergency department nurse, also known as ED nurse, provides “is a specialty area of the...
3 Pages 1543 Words
In my career aptitude test my results had some jobs in the medical healthcare field. The jobs were mainly jobs that work with the health of animals. For example, i received jobs like veterinarian assistant, and veterinarian. I don’t believe my skills would be shown to the fullest extend working with animals because I have very good social skills that would help me care for others. I believe I would excel in the career field of nursing. I am interested...
1 Page 678 Words
From as far back as I can remember I have always had an affinity with children, even as a youngster I would somehow wind-up being some form of child minder. Towards the latter part of my school years, I had created a great relationship with my science teacher who was both inspiring in his delivery and subject, I said to myself back then that it would be ‘pretty-cool’ to become a science teacher one day. Whilst working in the outdoor...
4 Pages 1614 Words
Like many women in this industry, my path to finding this profession was long and rather indirect. My background and degree were in social work and my initial career was that of a counselor to young people in the Chicago suburbs. I honed my listening and organizational skills in my college courses and early career. As most things do early in life, career paths change, and I found myself working as a typist and receptionist in a life insurance brokerage...
1 Page 582 Words
Accounting is certainly one of the most important parts of the business world. It’s something that’s an obligation to have for a business running to its best potential. Accounting has history traces since ancient civilizations. Mesopotamia is actually where one of the earliest traces of accounting was founded. The early Egyptians and Babylonians created auditing systems, while the Romans collected detailed financial information. Some of the first accountants were employed around 300 BC in Iran, where tokens and book-keeping to...
4 Pages 1648 Words
“Consulting firms hire engineers for their analytical problem-solving skills, not for their specialized, technical knowledge” (Yang). Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences, life sciences together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals. Chemical engineering produces the small components that make up almost every material or product used in the real world. Chemical engineers on the other hand are always skillful in almost every matter of science because of their...
3 Pages 1259 Words
Nurse practitioner – Do you know the real value? Health is a mandatory factor for a successful lifestyle. Instead of individual duties, healthcare experts also have the responsibility to ensure the parameters related to well-being. You may have encountered several hospitalized days during your lifetime. Therefore you may have experience in dealing with a list of healthcare providers. Nursing practitioners are also included in this list. Moreover, You may be a healthier person. But, sometimes, you have to work with...
3 Pages 1172 Words
Growing up, my mom worked two jobs to make ends meet. Although I’m grateful for my mom, that’s not where I want to be in my future. I don’t want to struggle with bills and not know where I’m going to find the money to pay. I don’t want to struggle with saving my money and then finally having money only for it to be gone towards bills again. I want a sense of comfort and security that no matter...
2 Pages 692 Words
Fiction literature is an instrumental element in many people’s lives today. Whether one is a literature teacher, an author, a fiction texts analyst or simply a reader of fiction writing, an encounter with creative writing leaves a critical mark on an individual’s mind. Since its invention in the 12th century, fiction has evolved and influenced many lives to date. It seeks to bring out what revolves in other people’s minds in terms of imaginations of situations, events, places, and values...
3 Pages 1510 Words
Executive Summary: This report discusses the importance of effective communication skills for the career of advancement. The aim of the report is to demonstrate why great communication are matters for employees who are looking for career growth. After giving some background information on the topic, we see exactly what benefits great communication skills provide. The exact skills needs to become an excellent communicator are discussed then. Finally, we see results based on practical studies and discuss those results in order...
3 Pages 1318 Words
Cristiano Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro former player in the Juventus team from Italy. He has a big history in soccer, since the first day he started practicing till today that he has become a professional soccer player and has achieved various personal and career professional goals. I personally see him as a leader and a very good person and an example to follow. He was born and raised in Portugal on a little island called Madeira. He lived in poverty...
3 Pages 1471 Words
Mrs. Linda Hutton is a South-African visual artist and qualified educator, having developed a successful career in the education industry. Hutton is the current Head of Faculty for the visual and dramatic arts department, teaching visual arts and mixed artistic media. Her qualifications as an educator are notable, fulfilling roles as the Head of Art at the Roedean School, Johannesburg in South Africa, and Head of Faculty at St Ursula’s College, Toowoomba. Hutton described the rewards of her educational profession...
3 Pages 1218 Words
Data analytics has been one of the hottest jobs for a while now, and according to IBM, the demand will further increase by around 30% in the next two years. Such proliferation of skilled professionals is due to the increase in the use cases of analytics across several business activities. Thus, data analytics professionals need to continuously keep track of the latest trends in the analytics landscape and up-skill for delivering values. Consequently, to thrive in their profession, data analytics...
1 Page 650 Words
Biomedical science is a fast paced and constantly developing field of biological analysis in the healthcare sector with long term career prospects, biomedical science involves carrying out investigations on samples of human tissue and body fluid in order to diagnose disease and correctly monitor the treatment of patients that have been affected by disease. With over 55,000 registered healthcare scientists in 51 different disciplines work in areas such as biomedical science makes up for 5% of the National Health Services...
3 Pages 1195 Words
Every person has a hobby. When it’s well nurtured it can turn into a career. An example of hobby is sport. Some dream of becoming the best of the best in various sports. Such as football, cricket, basketball among others. However, only a few make it to the big leagues and others get permanent injuries that terminate their career playing in fields or courts. There is hope for those interested in staying in sports industry as they can choose various...
1 Page 482 Words
This essay is about an interesting career—barista. Some basic information about a barista such as jobs and duties, working places, working hours as well as salary will be included in the report. Besides that, I will write about how to be a barista and the outlook of this career dependent on my research. Job Overview Since coffee is a popular drink and there are more and more coffee shops around the world, people are familiar with barista. In simple terms,...
1 Page 521 Words
Career development theories really began in the early 1900’s, with Parson’s (1909) development of the trait and factor approach becoming the basis of career counseling. Parson believed that by studying people and having an understanding of the various characteristics of different occupations, people could be matched with an occupation. The relationship between self-knowledge and work knowledge, were key elements in career choice. As the 20th century progressed, major world events were taking place that affected the world of work. Two...
2 Pages 813 Words
My home is a place of many things, but it all begins with hygiene and health. From the foods we eat to the cleaning the house, clean conditions are at the core of everyday life. At dinner times the food is always cooked and in the meal a lot of vegetables and other types of food with similar nutritious content are always available. In terms of variety, there is always a carbohydrate available, usually with a kind of sauce, and...
2 Pages 910 Words
Education is a procedure of learning and reaping knowledge. It is the foundation of anyone’s life and one of the most important and crucial parts of life. To be successful in life, we spend our maximum time educating ourselves. According to my opinion, a college education is an approach to understand the things that we learned from 1st grade to high school. School education aims to understand the basic things that we have to use in life. And the college...
3 Pages 1198 Words
Regulation of Less Procrastination Time helps us get more out of the day. The activities which need to be accomplished are carried out by having a plan and the individual is conscious of what needs to be done. Task management allows the person to realize when a task has to be done and how long it should take to complete the task. This timetable often requires time to be wasted contemplating which job to complete and also means things are...
2 Pages 847 Words
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