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Teaching Philosophy Essays

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Throughout my years of attending public school, I have encountered so many different teaching philosophies and the perspectives of different levels of teachers, administration and staffing. You notice the older you get and the higher you go up into education you stop seeing teachers really caring about your educational well-being. By the time you get to high school you are just another number apart of a quota they are trying to make for a graduation rate. You may see a...
2 Pages 992 Words
I believe an excellent teacher, first, has an effective faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak seedling knowing he or she will in no way see the tree in all its glory, I comprehend I can also by no means see the fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will develop and form tomorrow. The desirable teacher knows and understands students, how they increase and learn. I recognize that...
2 Pages 747 Words
Teaching philosophy is an important statement for a teacher to create a clear portrait of their personality as a teacher. Every teacher has to write philosophy on how, what, and why they want to teach. This essay will introduce a teaching philosophy as English language teacher. Teaching Philosophy I believe that all students have different needs and expectations from education/school. Students in my class should leave school wanting to learn more. All children are unique and need a stimulating environment...
5 Pages 2107 Words
“I believe in constant improvement, driven by evidence and feedback”. My perspective on teaching has strongly been influenced by my experiences as a project manager of a major construction engineering company. In this position, I was a decision-maker and a consumer of the products supplied by the system that prepares graduate engineers for the profession. I experienced how well products performed and their intended functions. The significance of an education and the problems currently facing engineering education became evident to...
3 Pages 1576 Words
We are living in a globalized world where technologies develop rapidly. In such a context, education is no longer a mere passing down of knowledge to students. Instead of teaching hard skills, teachers should instill soft skills in the students. Social and emotional competencies and 21st century competencies are the two dominant soft skills that are necessary for every global citizen. I believe the element of love is important in cultivating personalities with the competencies. With love, students will eventually...
4 Pages 1926 Words
My personal teaching philosophy has many different components. Teaching means a lot to me and, therefore, it creates a complex philosophy. My purpose for teaching as well as the long term and short-term goals are intricate because of their significance to my career. My philosophy also discusses my methods of instruction and how I evaluate and assess my student’s knowledge. My philosophy includes the role of myself, as an educator. Also, my philosophy cannot leave out the importance of the...
3 Pages 1157 Words
Generally speaking, learning is a social process. When considering the specific process of learning a second or additional language, the social dimension of learning becomes more apparent. Because of our dependence on each other for new knowledge, my teaching philosophy rests on creating a community of learners. Creating an optimal space for a community of learners means considering several actions and dispositions that influence the classroom. For one, students need to see the value and importance of all languages and...
5 Pages 2097 Words
As a teacher, my philosophy statement is that I believe that education is important for all. Children have many differences and each child has special characteristics that they can apply toward their individual education. As a teacher I will help guide my students so that they learn to express themselves, and learn acceptance of differences amongst others and themself. My role within the classroom will be to help each child learn their potential and abilities while developing their own personal...
6 Pages 2638 Words
Our teaching philosophy is a very important part of not only our resumes, but also gives us a why towards the question, ‘why do we do what we do?’. Learning is a large field of study and there are many aspects to cover when talking about education. I believe our curriculum is important, but there needs to be an established community around the curriculum. In order to create the best learning environment for all my students, I plan on using...
2 Pages 893 Words
The movie ‘Dead Poets Society’ exemplifies major differences on how teachers use diverse methods in teaching for their students. It also shows us the different situations that students may encounter during their whole academic year and how they respond to the situations they are put in. The film also centered on how it was important to acknowledge the uniqueness of every student that teachers may come across during their years of teaching. In the movie, we can perceive the philosophical...
3 Pages 1561 Words
From Plato to Piaget, many philosophers have debated the importance of philosophy in education. Dewey states that educational philosophy is the most important branch of philosophy of all (Noddings, 1995: 23). This essay will discuss some of the philosophers who have greatly influenced educational policy today as well as whether their theory is still relevant in education. In addition, it will relate this theory to a learner-centered approach to teaching the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in South Africa....
4 Pages 1926 Words
Education. It is one of the most powerful tools in the world that has provided constant proof that it can be used to achieve greatness. By looking at it from different perspectives can highlight the weaknesses in what we already know and then improve upon it. This leading us to the different methodologies and philosophies surrounding it. In examining educational philosophy, it is found to be a system of individual beliefs about education and the teaching roles involved within it....
3 Pages 1140 Words
Philosophy of education provides a framework for thinking about educational issues and also can guide our actions as a teacher. The four philosophies are perennialism, progressivism, essentialism, and social reconstructionism. The knowledge gained about the philosophy of education helped me to develop a certain framework that I can use in my classroom. It helped me answer questions like ‘What do I teach my students?’ and ‘How do they study?’. I feel personally connected to each of the four philosophies, each...
2 Pages 1010 Words
The center quote I chose to represent my teaching philosophy is “Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve” (Roger Lewin). This shows my belief that learning is not centered around testing and statistics, but rather the heart and mind of each student. If I were to word my educational philosophy into a poetic statement like the many quotes I found, it would be that “I want to reach each child for who they truly...
2 Pages 855 Words
I wasted 4 years of my life learning hard core math just to not use it in the real world. Growing up I was raised in a house hold of 3 children and being the oldest impacted me a lot. Always to know right from wrong was basic instructions given from my mother. I attended homestead senior high school where I learned 5 different math courses including algebra I, algebra II, geometry, financial algebra and so on. To later on...
1 Page 477 Words
Philosophy is the basic nature of knowledge, real life and is the study of existence, especially as a teaching discipline. Philosophy is the study of people and the world by thinking and asking questions. Philosophy is an art and science. Its important general approach to such issues when considered is the formal approach and philosophy is different from other ways of solving by and the ‘philosophy’ of a particular person in ordinary discourse may refer to their beliefs about things....
3 Pages 1489 Words
Being a teacher is not an easy job, so you have to work sincerely and have passion to make student a good learner. I am as a future teacher I will try my best to give my students a comfortable environment with no stress or pressure, so in this report I am going to concentrate in 4 major philosophies: my role as teacher, teaching method, dealing with students and classroom environment. First, my role as a teacher is to make...
2 Pages 684 Words
When I think of the purpose of education, I think of it as the teaching principles to help guide one through society. It helps us to grow emotionally, mentally, physically, and socially. Giving us the basic skills and knowledge to meet our full potential. Without skills and knowledge then we wouldn’t have an understanding or connection of how things work. My beliefs as an educator are to create a community within the classroom. Within my community setting my beliefs and...
1 Page 396 Words
Children are the future of this country. Children need a good learning environment to become successful young adults. A child begins their educational journey in elementary school. As a future elementary teacher, I want to be able to meet the needs of the children that I am entrusted with in my classroom. To be successful I need to make sure that my class is equipped with everything that my students will need to grow and that the classroom is accessible...
3 Pages 1179 Words
It is my responsibility, as a professional working in the field of early childhood education, to build a positive, respectful relationship with the families of the children I serve. It is my goal to create a healthy partnership with each family member so that they feel listened to, valued, and respected. I want every parent to feel that I am approachable and available to speak with them any time they have concerns or issues they would like to discuss. Families...
2 Pages 764 Words
I think relationships between a teacher and her students is built upon the mutual respect that shapes in-between them. One thing that comes to my mind when I think about teaching is the relationship that I’d like to form with my students. Enjoying conversations with them and talking about topics that are important to them, in this way I could understand how they feel about the materials that we are studying in class. I’d like my classroom to be less...
2 Pages 934 Words
I strongly believe that early childhood education is more than preparing young children for primary school. Early childhood education targets the holistic child’s development of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive needs for building a reliable and comprehensive foundation for lifetime learning and well-being. It has the potential to raise caring, proficient, and liable future citizens. The majority of children start receiving formal education at the kindergarten through the latest scientific research that proves that learning and psychological development begin after...
2 Pages 824 Words
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