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Diversity Essays

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Diversity is a term that’s often bandied about, but what does it actually entail? At its core, it is the existence of a variety of different elements within a unified whole. It’s about embracing our differences and recognizing the value of every individual, regardless of race, religion, gender, or orientation. ...

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Diversity management was one of the most famous topics within the organization nowadays because effectively utilizing the organization’s human capital will be one of the most important issues affecting corporations in the future. The more diverse populations of the different countries around the world had caused the organizations to become more diverse as well (Fernandez 1993; Gilbert and Ivancevich 2000; Norton and Fox 1997). Diversity can be defined in two different way which is either narrow or broad. The narrow...
3 Pages 1265 Words
If we have perspective on what others know, we can learn how to achieve things in a new way. When we try to do something that has worked many times in the past, but doesn’t work now, that is called a mental set. When we are set in doing something the way it has worked before, this causes complications and hinders our work. With the point of view of others, we can do things in new approaches. Perspective is what...
5 Pages 2245 Words
Throughout history, scientists have been inventing the simplest things that were huge accomplishments then but in today’s world, they have become a necessity to our world. But the one thing that all of the scientists and their inventions had was diversity. Having diversity within our scientists allowed the world to have some of the greatest inventions throughout history. When people from other all over the world from different cultures and walks of life, come together, incredible things are created. Those...
1 Page 593 Words
Diversity in college is very important because our society is drastically changing, and our higher education organizations need to expand and reflect this diversity. According to Cambridge Dictionary, “Diversity is the mixture of races and religions that make up a group of people.” Moreover, we can infer that where we come from says a lot about ourselves and how we live day by day. Different cultures make us understand and learn about information we may not be aware off and...
2 Pages 822 Words
Abstract Today’s rapidly changing world is able to totally restructure the workforce, and employers face severe challenges in workforce management. Diversity management has been a key issue among employers in reaching sustainable growth, employee satisfaction, and retention, talent acquisition. The importance of diversity management can be linked to long-term organizational strategies that will enhance positive corporate reputation and development. However, the term ‘diversity’ can be conceptualized differently and top executives today understand that an organization has to adapt. The current...
5 Pages 2463 Words
In recent years, workforce diversity has become a central role in organizational life because of improved globalization and developing technology (Williams and O‟ Reilly, 1998). Diversity could be connected to various factors including age, gender, culture, education, employee status, physical appearance, family status, regional origin, national origin, thinking style, religion, race, and more (Agrawal, 2012). On the other hand, low diversity teams are more likely to have decreasing performance not unlike teams with high diversity because the team members will...
3 Pages 1316 Words
Diversity in the Workplace: Workplace diversity refers to the segmentation of the workforce into unique variable classes that have a comprehend commonality within a particular cultural or national status and that influence potentially harmful or useful employment outcomes such as job opportunities, treatment in the workplace and upgrading chance, irrespective of job related proficiencies and qualifications (Stockdale and Crosby, 2004). Different organisations and cultures can define diversity in different ways. The human resource literatures, business and organisation viewed three types...
6 Pages 2709 Words
Concern with diversity, equity and inclusion have been central to my research, teaching, and advising during my Ph.D. studies and postdoctoral time. I have worked with diverse populations both as a Teaching Assistant at Michigan Technological University and as a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University that prides itself on having a diverse population of students. I describe below my current and proposed efforts in advancing diversity. About six years ago, I was about to pursue my master’s degree in China....
1 Page 635 Words
“On the sports field or on the stage, there is no black or white, no gay or straight, no rich or poor, just the joy of being out there doing your best’. This statement present sport in a way with no lack of diversity and no negative sides with sports and the culture. I believe that this statement is false and that the sports industry needs to be more open for diversity and for it to be more multicultural. In...
1 Page 562 Words
Diversity in today’s world is one of the most exhausted words which has a relatively simple meaning yet it can be a world of a difference to implement it. The diversity of the legal profession has been the subject of debate for a while. Guardian (2015) states that ‘Despite recent initiatives, the legal profession remains a bastion of white, middle-class, privately educated males.’ This remains true even today, although they have been changes, compared to a decade ago when it...
4 Pages 1655 Words
Religion played a major role in everyday life, with the Catholic Church having a major stronghold in Europe with the papacy and the church’s control over governments and monarchies, meaning the coexistence of religions in early modern Europe was very different from how it is now, as countries have adopted a more secular approach. As the Christian faith dominated Europe, life for people who shared the Jewish or Islamic faith was not always easy, as coexistence was rare between the...
4 Pages 1698 Words
United States law enforcement has been intertwined with many topics throughout its history. One of those topics is diversity within law enforcement. Diversity has had an extensive history with law enforcement and its status has changed over time to what is now the present-day United States. With many focused on the importance of diversity in law enforcement, organizations have started attempting to encourage diversity. Importance of Diversity in Law Enforcement Diversity within law enforcement is currently a crucial goal that...
4 Pages 1868 Words
Since the first development of Ballet in the 1500s with the Italian renaissance or the first traveling company with Sergei Diaghilev the levels of diversity in ballet and well known dance companies/productions [modern day] have been extremely low and have completely lack in producing a more diverse ballet company. Misty Copeland is one of the very first African-American/Black ballet dancer at the American ballet dance company, said in her interview with CNN, “The ballet world doesn’t really celebrate or have...
2 Pages 935 Words
Ethnicity was a means of categorizing human beings, that had widespread credibility and positive affirmation. From ‘ethnic’ food to ‘ethnic’ fashion the idea of ethnicity has been employed as a positive phenomenon in contemporary life but more importantly, as post-colonial nation-states have defined their distinctive identities, ethnicity has been frequently invoked as a primordial basis for nation-building (Downing, & Husband, 2005). Within established political formations, ethnic diversity has been increasingly politicized as human rights movements have, over the last four...
2 Pages 913 Words
The demographic changes that have taken place over the past twenty years in Los Angeles have been extraordinary in scope and diversity. The area of Los Angeles has seen a literal boom in population growth from 7 million in 1970 to 8.8 million in 1990 (US Census Bureau). However, the dramatic change in population ethnic and racial diversity has attracted the attention of most observers. However, in terms of racial diversity, Los Angeles has taken on a new form, moving...
3 Pages 1343 Words
In the United States, especially in New York City, we have encountered a significant religious diversity throughout. There have been many positive and negative features that have led us to believe that we live in a society in which we can say connects to a metaphor called ‘melting pot’. This comparison connects back to the word diverse because in our society, it means that many types of people blend in together in the same place as one. The countries in...
3 Pages 1230 Words
As a student who is considered to have a mixed culture, I used to find myself in a circumstance where I had to identify myself as one culture or another. Growing up it was a mouth full when I explained what my ethnicity was to friends and coworkers. It was a struggle for me to figure out what and who I really am after I supposedly spoke about what I am. It made me stop in my tracks and profoundly...
1 Page 640 Words
The idea of diversity management started in the late 80s in North America and then extended to other parts of the world subsequently. This concept achieved popularity as a new management gain on the United Kingdom and then proceed with social and economic tendency. The advantage of diversity workforce is usually helpful for business demand but not restricted to combined profits and earnings. This variation to other description on diversity result to business prosperity, dangerous by producing conflict, undermining connection,...
2 Pages 901 Words
Diversity may come from many perspectives, it can be as observable as gender, age, nationality, religion, or have more complex definitions like personalities and characters of individuals, different backgrounds and cultures, and distinct mindsets. Conventional speaking, diversity is good for boards and businesses. But when it comes to reality, very few boards would see significant changes and positive returns when pursuing diversity. Instead, many even end up with a vicious circle that can’t self-correct. In my perspective, failure to adopt...
2 Pages 890 Words
Diversity is a concept that reflects on the many ways we are alike while also respecting our individual differences. There are many aspects of diversity, such as cultural, racial and religion. Racial diversity occurs when many different ethnic groups are represented in a community. Not only is Australia a multicultural nation, it is also the most ethnically and racially diverse country in the world. The Australian Bureau of Statistics claims that there are around one hundred religions and three hundred...
2 Pages 688 Words
The issue of diversity has been present for a very long time and it has been subject to many debates with various leaders taking a different position regarding the matter. The world today as it was many decades ago is a diverse place with people coming from diverse backgrounds in terms of their culture, political and religious views, race and ethnicity and diversity of thoughts among others. Several strides have been made over the years in trying to promote diversity....
5 Pages 2072 Words
Ethnic backgrounds are a form of diversity that is common in schools around New Zealand. New Zealand has been changing over the years and our communities are becoming more diverse as a result. An ethnic group can be described as people who share a common cultural ancestry and having a sense belonging in an identity group which shares extraordinary culture traits such as language, their historical backgrounds or traditions. The most common ethnic groups in New Zealand include Maori, Pakeha,...
4 Pages 1718 Words
Gender diversity in the workplace has been a topic of conversation in the United States since the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s (Burkett, 2019). As time has gone on, the calls to action for equal opportunities in employment have intensified with the inclusion of laws protecting women from gender discrimination. There have been many proposed solutions to increase the opportunities for women in the workforce including both quota and non-quota methods. While many countries, particularly in Europe have voluntary...
3 Pages 1556 Words
Diversity is an everlasting factor of society. Diversity within a company is more than just hiring diverse people. Diversity raises important ethical and social responsibility issues that most individuals do not think about on a day to day basis. Diversity can be defined as: dissimilarities of differences among people due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, experience, physical appearance, capabilities/disabilities, and any other characteristic that is used to distinguish between people. Managers must learn to...
3 Pages 1457 Words
Race has become a controversial subject throughout the years, ideas and perceptions about race are constantly in motion as society develops. Even today racial minorities continue to face oppression. Race has been created to support racist ideas and create divisions within mankind. We are all fundamentally the same because race is an idea that has been malignified by politics, racism, and society. We should not be defined by our race but by our experiences and what people remember about us...
2 Pages 780 Words
There are two models that are used in the discussion of equality and diversity, the medical model and a slightly newer model which was developed in the 60s within the paper of Paul Hunt, ‘A Critical condition’ named the social model. The differences between the medical and the social model create different impacts on the professional role and how they affect equality and diversity within these roles. In basic terms the medical model views the individual as being defined by...
3 Pages 1350 Words
This report will focus on evaluating whether employing a diverse workforce is important and why, for businesses in today’s world. Also, to be discussed are the benefits and challenges experienced by companies after adopting diversity and the consequences they face if they do not and, how to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees. Diversity is a broad topic and will be examined thoroughly along with how it relates to the globalization and leadership concepts and how they...
5 Pages 2147 Words
Racial diversity refers to the variety of different races that differ from one another based on their characteristics and ethnicity. It is prevalent when a group of different races occupy the same space or area. For example, a racially diverse community contains citizens who are of different races and have different values. Currently, Papa New Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda are the most racially diverse countries in the world, and communities within those countries pride themselves on having a variety of...
2 Pages 687 Words
One of the moderators of diversity effects on performance is the organizational strategy. Research reveals that racial diversity is linked to higher productivity in firms focused on growth and to lower productivity in organizations that are focused on downsizing (Jackson & Joshi 2004). According to Gucci’s chief Marco Bizzarri, the organisation is pursuing a growth strategy through engaging in risk taking and changing the image of Gucci (The Business of Fashion 2018b). Thus, diversity would aid Gucci in becoming more...
2 Pages 826 Words
Gender diversity is used to describe gender identities that demonstrate a diversity of expression beyond the binary framework. It calls for the equal acknowledgement of and respect for individuals across a spectrum of gender identities. People who respect gender diversity, respect the choices others make about their life with regards to their gender. Over the years, the importance of having gender diversity in the work environment has been underlined through positive results obtained from various gender-diverse endeavors. Research has suggested...
2 Pages 731 Words
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